Ternion Financial

About Ternion

Ternion Financial is a Private Placement Firm, ‘Promoting compliant business through understanding our client’s financial needs’…
We are registered as an Exempt Market Dealer (“EMD”) in the Provinces of Ontario, Alberta, British Columbia, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Quebec. Ternion’s business is to offer investment offerings by offering memorandum to qualified investors. Ternion sells only to eligible investors, accredited investors, permitted clients or those otherwise who qualify under an offering memorandum exemption.
As a securities registrant, Ternion is obligated to disclose all related parties and any referral relationships that exist prior to the purchase of securities. This information is contained in the referral disclosure. These disclosures are provided to Clients so that they may understand the nature of their relationship with Ternion and are related parties.  
Ternion is also required, under federal privacy legislation, to make Clients aware of the Firm’s policy to ensure compliance with the requirements of the legislation. The Ontario Securities Commission (“OSC”) is its primary regulator. Ternion as a dealership receives revenue by being paid a commission by the issuer of an Exempt Product sold.
Your Dealing Representative will receive a portion of that commission as their compensation.  Compensation percentages are outlined in the Offering Memorandum provided by the issuer. Ternion does not hold client funds directly, for non-registered accounts, the funds are forwarded to the issuer of the product, and for registered products, Ternion utilizes the services of a registered Trust Company.
Meeting the demand for diversified investment opportunities whilst upholding a highly reputable and unsurpassed ethical, moral character and quality client service in the EMD sector across Canada. Affirming fidelity, credibility and compliance with investment offerings and transactions though due diligence in our investigation of potential new investment products.

Our Mission Statement

Acting in the best interests of our client is the key to our collaborative success.

Our Company Vision

Promoting compliant business through understanding our client’s financial needs.

The 3 rings in the Ternion logo represent the firms values:

  • People

    Our clients and our employees are our greatest assets

  • Integrity

    Credibility and trustworthiness are our core strengths

  • Service

    Our commitment to excellence through the customer experience

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Alison Travers

President & Compliance Officer

Alison Travers is President of Ternion Financial Services Inc., as well as Chief Compliance Officer. She oversees all Ternion activities including securities reporting, accounting, audit procedures, management of investment strategy and investment selection.

A dedicated professional with over 30 years of finance, operations and administration experience, Alison has spent her entire career in the financial industry; banking, appraisal, wealth management, investment and Securities.

Alison is essential in the oversite and due diligence of all compliance functions working closely with the Ternion Team of professionals. Providing training to our Dealing Representatives, being the main point of contact with our Issuers as well as working on strategies to grow Ternion Financial Services Inc. 

She holds the necessary licenses, registrations and certifications to qualify her for all areas of business activity applicable to her multi-faceted role with Ternion including Canadian Securities Course (“CSC”), Exempt Market Proficiency (“EMP”), and the Officers Partners & Directors Course (“OPD”).


Mike Rogers

Chairman Board of Directors

Michael is the Chairman of Ternion Financial’s Board of Directors. He has worked in the financial services industry for over 16 years, and has been an Executive in the industry for over 10 years. Currently he works as the Chief Compliance Officer of one Canada’s first and largest cryptocurrency platforms, and also as the Chief Compliance Officer of a boutique Exempt

Market Dealer in Ontario. He is an expert in Securities Regulation, the Exempt Market, and Blockchain. Along with his MBA education Michael holds the designation of Certified Cryptocurrency Investigator (“CCI”).

Michael’s role as the Chairman of the Board is to provide direction from the Board of Directors to Ternion Financial’s Management, and provide direction and guidance as requested.